Notes Preference Editor for Notes 6.x and Mac OS X
Downloadable files
This file is designed to be used only with Notes 6.x Clients on Mac OS X. It will not function on other platforms, including Macintosh OS8 and OS9 platforms.
Download Description
Attached below is a URL for a .ZIP file that contains the Notes Preferences Editor that can be used to edit the Notes Preferences file for Notes 6.x Clients on the Macintosh OS X platform.
Note: This file is designed to be used only with Notes 6.x Clients on Mac OS X. It will not function on other platforms, including Macintosh OS8 and OS9 platforms.
Refer to the document, "Notes Preference Editor for Notes R4 and R5 Client " (#4004002) for the Preference Editor that is used with Notes 4.x/5.x Clients and Macintosh operating systems prior to OS X.
Related documents:
Notes Preference Editor for Notes R4 and R5 Client
Document #: 4004002
Where Is the Notes.ini File Located on the Macintosh?
Document #: 1090921
Note: Notes R5 is not supported on OS X.
Note: This file is designed to be used only with Notes 6.x Clients on Mac OS X. It will not function on other platforms, including Macintosh OS8 and OS9 platforms.
Installation instructions
1. Click on the link or navigate to the following URL:
2. Download this file to your local drive.
3. Unzip the file.
The files in this package are as follows:
- Notes_PrefEditMac.txt
- Notes Preferences Editor.sitx.hqx
You can use this utility to change the startup and operating parameters stored with your Notes Preferences file.
Note: In OS 9, the Notes Preferences file is located in the System Folder, within a folder called "Preferences". However, in OS X the Notes Preferences file is found in the following manner:
1. Go to the folder called 'Users'.
2. Look for the current user name.
3. Open the user name and look for 'Libraries'.
4. Look for 'Preferences'. The file is here.
To make a change to the Notes Preferences file, first shut down Notes, then load the Notes Preferences Editor and alter the startup parameters of your choice. Then, restart the Notes program.